Shafinn's life / Choices

Posts Tagged ‘Informative Websites

I found this link very useful to analyze my personality’s various attributes. So I can Identify the areas of improvement & take appropriate actions.
  1. Compassionate Love Scale (Measures your tendency to support, help, and understand other people Authentic Happiness Inventory Questionnaire (Measures Overall Happiness)
  2. CES-D Questionnaire (Measures Depression Symptoms)
  3. Fordyce Emotions Questionnaire (Measures Current Happiness)
  4. General Happiness Questionnaire (Assesses Enduring Happiness)
  5. PANAS Questionnaire (Measures Positive and Negative Affect)
  6. Brief Strengths Test (Measures 24 Character Strengths)
  7. Gratitude Questionnaire (Measures Appreciation about the Past)
  8. Grit Survey (Measures the Character Strength of Perseverence)
  9. Optimism Test (Measures Optimism About the Future)
  10. Transgression Motivations Questionnaire (Measures Forgiveness)
  11. VIA Survey of Character Strengths (Measures 24 Character Strengths)
  12. VIA Strength Survey for Children (Measures 24 Character Strengths for Children)
  13. Work-Life Questionnaire (Measures Work-Life Satisfaction)
  14. Close Relationships Questionnaire (Measures Attachment Style)
  15. Compassionate Love Scale (Measures your tendency to support, help, and understand other people)
  16. Meaning in Life Questionnaire (Measures Meaningfulness)
  17. Approaches to Happiness Questionnaire (Measures Three Routes to Happiness)
  18. Satisfaction with Life Scale (Measures Life Satisfaction)

I came across an interesting link which may be helpful to You for performing self analysis:

1. Career tests (Whatever your dreams, our career tests can help you learn more about success, leadership, aptitudes and more…)

2. IQ tests (Curious about how your intelligence measures up? Perhaps you simply enjoy a stimulating challenge?)

3. Personality tests (Our wide range of personality assessments will facilitate the exploration of your psychological landscape and perhaps even unearth a few hidden traits you never thought of.)

4. Relationship tests (We don’t claim to have all the answers, but our relationship tests can help point you in the right direction.)

5. Attitude & Lifestyle tests (These tests will help you see how your values translate into behaviors and shape your emotional responses.)

6. Health tests (Why not take a proactive approach to your health?)

7. Just-For-Fun tests (Entertaining yet revealing, Just-For-Fun Tests give you a quick glimpse into your psyche, sense of right and wrong, and personal quirks.)

8. Mind-Stretchers (These fun interactive games and exercises are designed to get your brain into tip-top shape.)

9. Trivia Quizzes (If you like Trivial Pursuit, Jeopardy or Family Feud, try these fun and interactive trivia quizzes on subjects ranging from science to pop culture.)

10. Jigsaw Palace (Fun and interactive slide puzzles designed to whip your brain into shape.)

April 2024